they are silk bouclè, silk chenille and cotton perlè in 3 thickness plus a stranded one.
On right side threads from Stef Francis, overdyed and naturals that I can paint with silk painting colours; have made a test and the result is nice.

I'm still not ready to start and still not sure about the other colours that I will use in this work.
Need time to arrange the whole thing ....
Have made some changes to the pattern shown in previous post, the new one is more balanced I believe.
What I did yesterday ? Have traced the design on silk duchesse and came out very well but....which pattern ? The wrong one !!! I mean the first I did and not the last corrected...aaaarrrrghhhh, so a beautiful peace of silk is to throw away, the pen was a permanent one.
I'm having a bad cold and, for next time, have learned that when you don't feel well is better to stay in bed instead of making delicate embroidery things !