Yes... five years are gone by since I started the Windrush Morris panel and seems me an enormous quantity of time maybe because so many things happened and also because my knowledge on embroidery is now very different from that time. I remember so well how hard has been planning for this work and in some moments I really didn't know where to start from...but not now. Now all is crystal clear and those years this has become a multi- tecnique project as involves traditional embroidery stitches, stumpwork, goldwork , appliquè and fabric painting. I can say time has done a good job in this case.
Is still very far to be completed as have been working on the stumpwork Mirror, on the Elizabethan panel and on a "secret" project so progresses are not huge, my free time is always limited, but I can show you what I could get in the last two months.
Hope you will love it as I still do after so long :) :)
The whole painting, one appliquè and just one of the detached stumpwork leafs.
In the afternoon light !