La soffitta del tempo perduto...

....è là , nella mente e nel sogno, dove è possibile recuperare le speranze e le aspettative, dove volere è potere e tutto diviene possibile, dove la fantasia e la creatività non vengono strangolate dai ritmi di una vita frenetica ed il tempo scorre lentamente, dove la mente vola libera senza restrizioni, dove finalmente si è liberi di essere e ci si può rifugiare e prendere un respiro.

The attic of the lost there, in the mind and dreams, where is possible to recover the hopes and the expectations, where what you want is what you can and everything becomes possible, where fantasy and creativity are not strangled from the rhythms of a phrenetic life and time flows slowly, where the mind flyes free with no restrictions, where finally one is free of being and can refuge in and take a breath.

The Pomegranate - PDF instructions available

The Pomegranate - PDF instructions available

mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012

Life is...

Life is .....what happens meanwhile you are making other projects, isn't this true ?
In my case I was planning to have a quiet period dedicated to my job, family and embroidery and....I had the three last months full of things that I could never imagine; mother in law ill and then passed, my old mother changed her home, an insane man stalked me and my husband, something else ? these are only few words but has been a really complicate and difficult moment... gone !
Seems we all are back to a normal life, so I'm here again writing on Blog, have worked a little on my projects and will post soon some pictures.
Hope that the new year will be for all us a good year !
Hugs !!

3 commenti:

  1. Oh my goodness, Francesca! I hope you are all ok and everything IS back to normal. I'm so sorry about your MIL's passing. We lost my FIL last year as well. Here's to a better 2012!

  2. Wow, Francesca!! Ne hai passate di cose tristi! Mi dispiace per tua suocera e per il resto. Ti auguro un 2012 colmo della serenità di cui ogni essere umano necesita e che Dio ti porti ogni sorta di benedizioni. Un caldo e sincero abbraccio... <_>

  3. I'm sorry thinks have been so difficult. My sympathies for your Mother-in-Law's passing. I hope calmer waters are ahead for you and your family.
